recsrainbow Jul 10, 2012 20:33
peter pan, georgette heyer, blackadder, twin peaks, star trek: xi, diana wynne jones, pan's labyrinth, star trek: deep space nine, james bond, earthsea, little women, disney: aladdin, dark is rising, |espresso recommendations, spirited away, calvin and hobbes, the matrix, shakespeare, galaxy quest, who-verse: doctor who, bible, fairy tales, rpf: historical, jossverse: btvs, american gods, {updates, sound of music, jeeves and wooster
recsrainbow Jul 31, 2009 08:54
thoughtcrimes, quantum leap, spider-man, x-men, star trek: xi, harry potter, miracles, -- gen, -- het, |crossover recs, sandman, x-files, the terminator, supernatural, criminal minds, c6d: due south, smallville, muppet show, highlander, jossverse: btvs, |- rec sites, star wars, er, the sentinel, jossverse: ats, daredevil, -- slash/yaoi, oz, numb3rs, -- crossover, jossverse: firefly/serenity, invisible man, west wing, the matrix, journeyman, farscape, stephen king: christine, csi, dark angel, dcu, stargate: atlantis, homicide: lots, house m.d., friday night lights, traders
recsrainbow May 23, 2007 16:44
the matrix, x-men, |krumgold_recs, gattaca, jossverse: firefly/serenity, {updates
recsrainbow Jan 19, 2007 20:11
lost, rome, 28 days later, robin hood, harry potter, -- gen, gone with the wind, without a trace, -- het, night watch/nochnoi dozor, age of sail: pirates of the caribbean, dexter, heroes, supernatural, stargate: sg1, scrubs, rpf: actors, who-verse: doctor who, battlestar galactica, smallville, -- poly, |recs @, who-verse: torchwood, jossverse: btvs, the o.c., rpf: actors: stargate: atlantis, dracula, history boys, cabaret, -- slash/yaoi, -- crossover, phantom of the opera, neverwhere, the matrix, csi, ugly betty, justice, stargate: atlantis, - fanvid, kiss kiss bang bang, house m.d., james bond: casino royale, {updates, brick, before sunrise/before sunset